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Regarding using this site

  1. No part of the content on this web site can be reproduced or copied in any form.
  2. The content of this website may be altered without prior notice.
  3. If you find any errors, omissions or any other deficiencies please contact
  4. Regarding user registration
    • You are requested to do the registration by yourself accurately and based on facts.
    • Registered personal information will not used by other than CHINO Corporation.
    • You can change or delete the registered information any time.
  5. Please mange user ID and password on your own responsibility.
  6. CHINO Corporation will not be able to take any kind of responsibility for the loss occurring due to your user ID or password stolen by third party.
  7. You can not share your user ID and password among multiple people or lend or transfer it to third party.
  8. CHINO Corporation will not be able to take any kind of responsibility for the loss resulting due to sharing user ID and password among multiple people or lending or transferring it to third party.
  9. Regarding mail transmission it may be stopped or suspended temporarily without any prior notice due to service operations.
  10. We try to maintain the accuracy of the content sent to through mail as much as possible, however, it does not guarantee safety, accuracy, or usefulness.