国・地域 | 名称 |
Australia | NMIA | National Measurement Institute of Australia |
Canada | NRC-INMS | Institute for National Measurement Standards |
China | NIM | National Institute of Metrology |
France | LNE | Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d’Essais |
Germany | PTB | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
Hong Kong | SCL | Standards and Calibration Laboratory |
Indonesia | Puslit KIM-LIPI | Research Center for Calibration, Instrumentationand Metrology – Indonesian Institute of Sciences |
Italy | INRIM | National Institute of Metrological Research |
Korea | KRISS | Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science |
KTL | Korea Testing Laboratory |
Malaysia | NMIM | National Metrology Institute of Malaysia |
SIRIM-SST | Standards and Industrial Research Instute of Malaysia – Standard Technology (SST) |
Mongolia | MASM | Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology |
Netherlands | VSL | Van Swinden Laboratory Dutch Metrology Institute |
New Zealand | MSL | Measurement Standards Laboratory |
Poland | ILTSR | Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research |
Russia | JIHT | Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Singapore | NMC/A*STAR | National Metrology Centre/Agency for Science, Technologyand Research |
South Africa | NMISA | National Metrology Institute of South Africa |
Spain | CEM | Centro Espanol de Metrologia |
Taiwan | ITRI | Industrial Technology Research Institute |
Thailand | NIMT | National Institute of Metrology |
UK | NPL | National Physical Laboratory |
USA | NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Vietnam | VMI/STAMEQ | Vietnam Metrology Institute, Directoratefor Standards and Quality |
Brunei | MSL-BD | Measurement Standards Laboratory |
Denmark | DFM | Danish Fundamental Metrology |
Colombia | ISM | Instituto Nacional de Metrologia de Colombia |
Brazil | INMETRO | Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia |
Slovakia | SMU | Slovak Institute of Metrology |